Dr. John Sterling Bird / Professor / Engineering Science



1 Relevant Personal History


1.1 Education


Ph.D. (1980) Electrical Engineering,      Carleton University


B.A. Sc. (1973) Electrical Engineering, University of British Columbia              


Dip. of Technology (1968) Electrical/Electronics, British Columbia Institute of Technology        


1.2 Associations and Professional Societies


Association of Professional Engineers of British Columbia,

Institute of Electrical Electronics Engineers,

Acoustical Society of America

Advanced Systems Institute of British Columbia.


1.3 Employment History

1995- ........      Professor in the School of Engineering Science at Simon Fraser University.  Duties include teaching and the development of a research program in subsea technologies.  Present research focus is on underwater acoustics, sonar, bottom imaging, bottom classification, port and harbour surveillance and underwater acoustic transducers.


1987 - 1995     Associate Professor in the School of Engineering Science at Simon Fraser University.  Duties include teaching and the development of a research program in subsea technologies. Present research focus is on underwater acoustics, sonar, bottom imaging, autonomous underwater vehicles.


1981 - 1987:    Defence Scientist for the Defence Research Establishment Ottawa, but on loan to the Communication Research Centre's Radar Research Laboratory and the Military Satellite Communications Section.  Duties centered around the performance analysis of space-based surveillance radars and EHF satellite communications systems.


1980 - 1981:    Defence Scientist at the Defence Research  Establishment Pacific.  Responsible for investigations into the detectability of passive sonar targets with a towed array.  This work included theoretical, simulation and experimental studies on the various factors that influence detection performance.

1977 - 1980:    Attended Carleton University on the Ph.D. program in electrical engineering.


1973 - 1977:    Defence Scientist at the Defence Research Establishment Pacific.  Responsible for research in underwater acoustics related to submarine detection.


1969 - 1973:    Attended the University of British Columbia in the B.A. Sc. program in electrical engineering.


1968 - 1969:    Electronics Technician with the Defence Research Establishment Pacific.


1966 - 1968:    Attended the British Columbia Institute of Technology on the electronics program.


1966:               Graduated from high school.


Recent Refereed Publications


[1]        Kraeutner, P. and Bird J.S., "A PC Based Coherent Sonar for Experimental Acoustics", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 45(3), pp. 693-700, June 1996


[2]        McMullan, B., Delanghe, B. and Bird, J.S., "A Simple Rising Edge Detector for Time-of-Arrival Estimation", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 45(4), pp. 823-827, August 1996.


[3]        Wu, L., Zielinski, A. and Bird, J.S., "A Point-matching Method for Array Pattern Syntheses", IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectronics, and Frequency Control, To appear in Vol. 43(5), pp. 773-781, September 1996.


[4]        Wu, L., Zielinski, A. and Bird, J.S., "Lossless Compression of Hydroacoustic Image Data", IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol. 22(1), pp. 93-101, January 1997.


[5]        Laval, B., Bird, J.S., Helland, P.D., "An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for the Study of Small Lakes", Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Vol 17, pp 69-76, January 2000.


[6]        Laval, B., Cady, S, Pollack, J., McKay, C., Bird, J., Grotzinger, J., Ford D., and Bohm H., “Modern Freshwater Microbialite Analogs for Ancient Dendritic Reef Structures”, Cover Story NATURE, Vol. 407, pp. 626-629, October 5, 2000.


[7]        Wu, L., Zielinski, A., and Bird, J., “A Cascade Coding Technique for Compressing Broadband Residue Sequences”,  Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering , Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 141-148, October, 2000.


[8]        Wu, L., Zielinski, A., and Bird, J.S., “A Cascade Coding Technique for Compressing Large-Dynamic-Range Integer Sequences”, Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 14(1), pp. 54-71, January, 2004.


[9]        Bird, J.S. and Mullins, G.K., “Attributes of Multi-Angle Swath Bathymetry Sonars”, Recent Advances in Marine Science and Technology 2004, PACON International, June 2005, ISBN 0-9634343-6-5, pp. 1-10.


[10]      Bird, J.S. and Mullins, G. K., “Analysis of Swath Bathymetry Sonar Accuracy”, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol. 30(2), April 2005, pp. 372-390.



Recent Conference Papers


[1]        Kraeutner, P. and Bird, J.S., "Beyond Interferometry, Resolving Multiple Angles-of-Arrival in Swath Bathymetric Imaging", Oceans'99, Seattle, Washington, September 13-16, 1999.


[2]        Bird, J.S. and Kraeutner, P., "Look-Ahead Bottom Profiling with a Small Acoustic Aperture", Oceans'99, Seattle, Washington, September 13-16, 1999.


[3]        Bird, J.S. and Kraeutner, P., “Cramer-Rao Bound Investigation of Swath Bathymetry Accuracy”, Oceans’2001, Honolulu, Hawaii, November 5-8, 2001.


[4]        Bird, J.S., Asadov, S., and Kraeutner, P, “Improving Arrays for Multi-Angle Swath Bathymetry”, Oceans’2003, San Diego, California, September 22-26, 2003.


[5]        Mullins, G.K. and Bird, J.S., “Bounding the Errors on Bottom Estimation for MASB Sonar”, 149th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, May 2005.


[6]        Ren, J. and Bird, J.S.,  “Detecting Small Targets in Strong Bottom Reverberation”, 149th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, May 2005.